Each year during Florida’s legislative session, commercial real estate owners and managers and other commercial real estate professionals meet with Florida legislators to discuss issues affecting the commercial real estate industry in Florida. These annual lobbying efforts by BOMA’s members have a positive impact on our industry and illustrate to our state leaders that BOMA is a well-respected source of information and support for the Florida legislature. The tentative agenda is as follows:
10:00 AM to 10:15 AM – Welcome and Opening Remarks
10:15 AM to 10:35 AM – BOMA International
10:35 AM to 10:55 AM – Lee Moffitt, BOMA Florida Lobbyist
10:55 AM to 11:30 AM – Legislative Speaker Presentation(s)
11:30 AM to 12:00 PM – Advocacy Etiquette and Review Key Points and Issue Papers
Each contingency of locals to meet with Senators, Representatives, and Aides from their districts via Zoom over the following 2-3 days to allow for more appointments with legislators.
Items to be provided by BOMA Florida to each local association:
In addition to the above, local representatives should provide a digital copy of the following prior to your individual meetings:
1372 S. Narcoossee Road, #113Saint Cloud, FL 34771
telephone: (407)380-3320
email: staff@bomaflorida.org
website: www.bomaflorida.org